Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCall Turns Three!!

McCall with her new princess bike!

McCall's friends enjoing cake!

I can not remember any of my kids at three being as excited for there birthday as McCall. She has been eagerly awaiting this day for at least a month now! We had a family celebration last night where she opened gifts from us and Grandparents. Which she loved everything..Thankyou! And then this afternoon she spent a fun afternoon at the park with some friends to celebrate again! What a fun and exhausting day for her (and Mom!) Is it just me or are all birthday parties tons of work even when you try to make them easy? Thanks to all of her friends for making her day so special!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Happy Birthday McCall!!! I can't believe that she is three! How cute! I'm so glad that you started a blog, I love seeing pictures of your wonderful family!